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Article: Trading Diagonal Options

Trading Diagonal Options

Trading Diagonal Options

Trading diagonal options is a sophisticated strategy that combines elements of both vertical and horizontal spreads. This method is highly effective for traders looking to capitalize on volatility and time decay.

Diagonal spreads are a blend of calendar spreads and vertical spreads. This strategy involves buying and selling options of the same underlying asset, but with different strike prices and expiration dates. The main goal is to exploit differences in volatility and time decay between the two options.

The concept of diagonal spreads has evolved alongside the growth of options trading. Initially, traders used simple call and put options, but as the market matured, more complex strategies like diagonal spreads emerged. These advanced strategies allow for more nuanced trading opportunities and risk management techniques.

Diagonal Concepts

To fully grasp diagonal options, it's essential to understand some basic options terminology:

  • Strike Price: The price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold.
  • Expiration Date: The date on which the option contract expires.
  • Premium: The price paid for the option contract.

Long Diagonal Spread

A long diagonal spread involves buying a longer-term option and selling a shorter-term option with a different strike price. This strategy is typically used when a trader expects the underlying asset to move significantly but wants to benefit from time decay on the short option.

Short Diagonal Spread

In contrast, a short diagonal spread involves selling a longer-term option and buying a shorter-term option. This approach is used when a trader expects minimal movement in the underlying asset and aims to profit from the premium collected from the short option.

Mechanics of Diagonal Spreads

Constructing a Diagonal Spread

To construct a diagonal spread, a trader selects two options with different strike prices and expiration dates. For example, a trader might buy a long-term call option with a lower strike price and sell a short-term call option with a higher strike price.

Strike Prices

Choosing the right strike prices is crucial for the success of a diagonal spread. The strike prices should be selected based on the trader's market outlook and risk tolerance. Typically, the long option will have a strike price closer to the current price of the underlying asset.

Expiration Dates

The expiration dates for the options in a diagonal spread are chosen to optimize the balance between time decay and market movement. The longer-term option should have a significantly later expiration date compared to the shorter-term option.

Advantages of Trading Diagonal Options


Diagonal spreads offer a high degree of flexibility. Traders can adjust strike prices and expiration dates to tailor the strategy to their specific market outlook and risk management preferences.

Profit Potential

This strategy allows traders to profit from both time decay and market movement. By selling a short-term option, traders can collect premium income, while the long-term option provides the potential for significant gains if the underlying asset moves favorably.

Diagonal Advanced Strategies

For seasoned traders, there are advanced tactics to enhance the effectiveness of diagonal spreads:

Double Diagonal Spreads

This involves creating two diagonal spreads simultaneously, one bullish and one bearish, allowing traders to capitalize on large market movements in either direction.

Ratio Diagonal Spreads

Involves buying and selling different quantities of options to create a custom risk/reward profile, tailored to specific market expectations and risk tolerance.

Combining with Other Options Strategies

Diagonal spreads can be combined with other options strategies, such as iron condors or butterflies, to create complex but highly effective trading setups.

Hedging Techniques

Traders can use diagonal spreads as a hedging tool to protect their portfolios from adverse market movements. By strategically selecting strike prices and expiration dates, traders can offset potential losses in other positions.

Disadvantages of Trading Diagonal Options


Diagonal spreads are more complex than simple options strategies. Traders need to understand the interplay between strike prices, expiration dates, and time decay, which requires a higher level of expertise.


While diagonal spreads can be cost-effective, they can also be expensive to implement, especially if the long-term option is costly. This requires careful planning and consideration of capital allocation.

Limited Liquidity

Options with different expiration dates and strike prices may have limited liquidity, making it challenging to enter or exit trades at desired prices. This can lead to slippage and impact overall profitability.

Diagonal Market Conditions

Bullish Outlook

When a trader has a bullish outlook on the underlying asset, they can implement a long diagonal spread with call options. This allows them to benefit from an increase in the asset's price while earning premium from the short-term call.

Bearish Outlook

For a bearish market outlook, traders can use a long diagonal spread with put options. This strategy profits from a decline in the underlying asset's price and collects premium from the short-term put.

Neutral Outlook

In a neutral market, traders might use short diagonal spreads, taking advantage of the premium collected from the short-term option while expecting minimal movement in the underlying asset.

Example Trade

Let's consider a bullish diagonal spread on XYZ Corporation, currently trading at $100.

  • Buy: 3-month call option with a $105 strike price.
  • Sell: 1-month call option with a $110 strike price.

This setup profits if XYZ rises towards the $110 mark within the short leg's expiration while managing risk through the long leg's longer expiration.

Managing a Diagonal Spread Trade

Monitoring the Trade

Regular monitoring is essential to ensure the trade is progressing as expected. Traders should keep an eye on the underlying asset's price movement, volatility, and time decay.

Adjustments and Rollovers

If the market moves unfavorably, traders can adjust the strike prices or roll over the short-term option to a later expiration date to manage risk and maintain the trade's profitability.

Exiting the Trade

Exiting a diagonal spread trade requires careful timing. Traders should close the trade when the profit target is reached or when the market conditions change significantly, making the original setup less favorable.

Successful Trades

Examining successful diagonal spread trades can provide valuable insights. For instance, a trader who correctly anticipated a stock's upward movement and implemented a long diagonal call spread might have achieved significant gains.


Trading diagonal options is a powerful strategy that combines elements of both calendar and vertical spreads, offering unique advantages in terms of flexibility, income generation, and risk management. By understanding the key components, setting up trades effectively, and employing sound management practices, traders can harness the full potential of diagonal spreads to achieve their financial goals.


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